a pruple background with a child sewing on a sewing machine with text reading"how do you introduce kids to sewing?"

How do you introduce kids to sewing?

Sewing for kids 101

Are you a pro seamstress or seamster trying to raise kid-sewing prodigies? Or do you simply want your children to learn a skill you never could? 

Whether you want them to follow in your sewing footsteps, or you want them to be the first to sew in your household. You’ve come to the right place.


How to teach a child sewing. How do you practice sewing?

Starting a children’s sewing class can be fun yet challenging. You need to know exactly how to connect with the little ones. Don’t go too fast, don’t use too many complicated terms, and watch those little fingers! 

On the other end, teaching your kid to sew at home is also exciting. However, there are a few things to consider before you get started. 

 Whether you want to start a sewing school for kids or you just want a fun hobby for your own tots at home. We have all the sewing tips and tricks for parents, professional teachers, and curious kids. Here is everything you need to know about teaching a child sewing.


Is sewing a good hobby? 

Sewing is a good hobby. When it comes to the textile industry, sewing is the best skill to have. If you can sew, you can conquer and change any fabric under the sun!

Why is sewing a good hobby?

Sewing also poses health benefits. From being relaxing to stimulating your brain. It is a very well-rounded skill to have. And let’s not forget all the beautiful crafts you can create. With enough practice, sewing can change from a hobby into a business venture!

Table of Contents

Should kids learn to sew? 

Is sewing good for my kids? Is it a good idea to start a sewing school? The answer to both is yes! Kids should learn to sew.  

It is so important to let your kids learn a skill. Sewing is a skill that will teach them responsibility, creativity, hand-and-eye coordination, motor skills, and so much more.

Below are all the benefits of sewing for kids.

How do kids benefit from sewing? 

Why is it important for kids to learn to sew?

Here are the main reasons why every child should learn to sew:

  • Teaches them patience
  • Encourages creativity 
  • Implants responsibility 
  • Reduces screen time 
  • Career idea 
  • Allows them to help around the house
  • Practice communication
  • Math skills
  • Build confidence 
  • Practice discipline
  • Develops their problem-solving skills
  • Improves their hand-eye coordination
  • Brain development 
  • Sparks their imagination 
  • Makes them better students 

Teaches them patience

Nothing teaches one patience like trying to get that stitch just right! Sewing is a great hobby that will teach your child to be patient. They will learn how to handle situations calmly and solve problems patiently. 

Encourages creativity 

You should let kids pick out their favourite thread. The fabric they want to use. Which projects they want to try. It will allow them a space to be creative. 

Implants responsibility 

Your child will become responsible for their work. They will be more cautious with their fingers. They will learn to finish what they started. This implants safety and responsibility. 

Reduces screen time 

A lot of screen time is very strenuous. Kids go through online classes, cellphones, tablets, TVs,  and video games. Sewing is a great way to take them away from these screens. It helps them focus on something productive.

Career idea 

Many renowned business owners started sewing as kids. Who knows, maybe this can be the fate of your child one day. Or at the least, it will nudge them in a career direction.

Allows them to help around the house

With sewing, you can let your child fix torn things. Their sibling’s shirts, their broken toys, or the dog’s collar. Sewing is not just a fun hobby, it can also add to their chores. And chores build character!

Practice communication

With sewing, your child will learn how to express themselves. They will ask questions. They will give comments. They will explain when they’re struggling. It also teaches them to understand the person teaching them. Another benefit? Your tot will get better at the language you’re teaching them in. 

Math skills

Sewing consists of a lot of counting. They’ll be counting their stitches, their fabric, and estimating thread length. They’ll learn about calculations and making an estimated guess. Their math skills will most certainly improve. 

Build confidence 

Nothing feels better than successfully creating something. Sewing will give your child the confidence they need to go out in this world and believe in themselves. 

Practice discipline

In the process of sewing, teach your child to finish what they started. Teach them to see it through when they make a mistake. Teach them to practice until they succeed. This all contributes to turning them into disciplined adults. 

Develops their problem-solving skills

Sewing develops problem-solving skills. They’ll learn how to get out of mistakes. How to fix a stitch. And how to make do with what they have. 

Improves their hand-eye coordination

No child is born with hand and eye coordination. Many adults still struggle with this today. This is because we didn’t prioritize crafting skills as children. 

Brain development 

Sewing comes with math skills, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and creativity. This will stimulate both your child’s left and right brains. 

Sparks their imagination 

As your child gets better, you’ll watch them get excited about their next project. They’ll begin to plan what to do next. How to use their stitches differently. How to match various patterns. 

Makes them better students 

Sewing isn’t just good for them. It also makes them better as students to other people. They’ll become easier to teach and guide. This can only lead to multiple benefits in school and other extramural activities they participate in.  

What age can a child learn to sew?

What about young kids? Can a four year old sew?

A child can learn to sew from 4 years old. Anytime they start speaking the language, learn how to hold tools and follow instructions. This is how you can tell they are ready to learn how to sew. 

For children below the age of 10, it’s better to stick to hand sewing. Give them small blocks of fabric only. Hold their hands and guide them most of the time. 

Kids above 10, have more strength. They also have a better understanding of safety. This means they can receive more freedom. You can also consider getting them a sewing machine. 


How do kids sew for beginners?  

How to teach a child to sew by hand.

How to teach a child to sew , here are 14 ways to teach a child to sew:

  1. Speak to them about the benefits 
  2. Ask them what the first thing is they’d like to learn 
  3. Go over safety procedures
  4. Show them how to do it
  5. Be patient with them 
  6. Start with simple projects 
  7. Use easy fabric
  8. Get them basic child-friendly sewing tools 
  9. Buy them a sewing instruction book 
  10. Let them watch videos if they’re visual learners 
  11. Work with them
  12. Show them it’s okay to make mistakes 
  13. Give them freedom 
  14. Reward them

Teaching a child can be a fun bonding experience. This skill can set them up for life. If you follow these easy steps, you can have your child sewing in no time. 

Children sewing machines

Can kids use sewing machine?

Did you know, kids can use sewing machines? That’s right. Machines aren’t just for adults! If you get your child a sewing machine, they can become pro seamstresses and seamsters in no time. Here is everything you need to know about children’s sewing machines.

What is a sewing machine kids?

A sewing machine for kids is a very easy machine to use. It comes with the simplest features. It will have a few knobs, a small body, and basic components. Kids’ sewing machines aren’t high-tech. Kids’ sewing machines are safe if used properly. 

At what age can a child use a sewing machine?

Can a 6 year old use a sewing machine? Can a 5 year old use a sewing machine?

The best age to introduce a sewing machine is around 5 to 6 years old. However, tots should not go unsupervised. Only around age 10 should you be giving your child complete freedom with a machine. 

How do you teach a child to sew on a sewing machine?

How to teach child to use a sewing machine:

  1. Speak to them about sewing
  2. Have the safety talk 
  3. Show them videos of sewing machines 
  4. Help them pick out their machine
  5. Go through the owner’s manual 
  6. Show them how to start it up
  7. Demonstrate sewing 
  8. Go slowly 
  9. Start small
  10. Be patient 
  11. Bonus: Do it with them

Speak to them about sewing

How you introduce sewing to a kid is very important. You have about 2 minutes to spark their interest or they’ll be bored. 

Let them understand all the fun benefits of sewing. Explain that it is not a must. Encourage them about how great it is to have creative skills. 

Have the safety talk 

This step is NB. Explain to them the precaution of handling needles. Tell them to keep their hands away from the feed point. Instruct them to handle their machine with care. You should also discuss using safety tools like thimbles to protect their fingers 

Show them videos of sewing machines 

In the process of sparking their interest, show them videos. Most kids are easily stimulated visually. Our Instagram page is filled with reels and videos of sewing. Watch them here.

Help them pick out their machine

Children’s sewing machines come in various colours, animations, and styles. Let your kid be part of the process. They’ll be more likely to use a machine that they picked themselves. 

Go through the owner’s manual 

The best thing about sewing machines is that they come with an instructions manual. Have a question about the machine? The manual has the answer. This is the best way to teach a kid. Give them instructions directly from the manufacturer. 

Show them how to start it up

Set out a specific time for set up. Walk them through the process of plugging it in (if computerised). Show them how to start it up. How to put the fabric in, etc. 

Demonstrate sewing 

Your tot needs to see how you do it. Demonstrate sewing to them. It’s also advised that you do the threading if they are too young.

Go slowly 

Go through every process very slowly. Remember you are exposing their little minds to a brand new skill. Regardless of how skilled you are at sewing. Do everything as slowly as possible for them.

Start small

“Go big or go home” does not apply to kids’ sewing. Start small! Start with small blocks of fabric. Use an easy thread. Get child-friendly tools. Start with only one stitch. Work their way up once they’ve mastered one aspect. 

Be patient 

Your kid will have questions- many of them. Be patient. Answer them as many times as they need. Demonstrate until they get it. Be understanding when they make a mistake. Your patience will give them the confidence they need to be persistent. 

Bonus: Do it with them

The most fun way to teach them how to sew is to sew with them. You can turn it into a family activity. Sewing is a great way for the entire house to bond. Kids also feel more relaxed when adults are doing a new task with them. 

Which is the best sewing machine for kids?

There are many great sewing machines out there. It can be difficult narrowing hundreds of machines down to only one sewing machine for your kid. Don’t fret. We did this for you! 

Brother sewing machines are the best sewing machines available for kids. These machines have easy-to-use features. They come with beautiful colours and animations. They also have all the tools your child needs to get started. Brother machines for kids are compact, lightweight, and affordable.

Try checking out our entire collection of Brother sewing machines to see which machine is the best fit for you and your kid. 

Best sewing machine for a 6 year old.

LENA Children’s Sewing Machine Battery Operated with Foot Pedal

For a child below the age of 8, you want an easy-to-use machine. The LENA machine is comfortable and kid-friendly. So compact, made of plastic, super light, yet it is a real sewing machine. This machine works with batteries. 

Although the box says 8 years and older. You can gift this to a child below the age of 8 too. A 5 year old and a 6 year old can easily learn on this machine. All you need to do is follow the instruction manual, supervise them, and teach them safety procedures. 

If you’re in South Africa, you can easily grab the LENA Children’s Sewing Machine on Takealot

Brother caters to kids above the age of 8 to professional business owners.

Sewing machine for 8 – 10 year olds

Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine

Kids usually struggle with threading and installing bobbins. A kid’s sewing machine needs an automatic needle threader and a drop-in bobbin. 

This machine has both! It also has a DVD that will give your kid step-by-step instructions. The large dial is perfect for their small hands. It is also lightweight and easy for them to carry. 

South Africans can grab this machine by following this link

What sewing machines do schools use?

Brother JV1400 Basic Sewing Machine

This machine is perfect for beginners and children. You can use this in a school teaching kids or teaching adults. It has a 4-step buttonhole, automatic features, and 14 built-in stitches. 

Take advantage of the free arm sewing that can make it easier for anyone to learn. It is also quite affordable, small, and compact. 

Grab the Brother JV1400 Basic Sewing Machine on Takealot

What is the easiest pattern to sew? 

A square or rectangle pattern is the easiest to sew. Anything with 4 straight sides will be easiest to sew. This will include projects like scarves, a cloth, or small square fabrics. It is easier to stitch around corners. 

How do you make a pattern for kids?

Tips to make patterns for kids:

  • Use paper, it’s easier for kids to work with
  • Get them safety kids scissors 
  • Pick out a simple project, like a small square
  • Easy patterns have the same straight dimensions all around 
  • Only sew together two patterns at a time 
  • Let them trial and error
  • Use a thick marker to make thick lines around the pattern

Patterns are useful for sewing tough projects. They will help your child sew accurately. It is easy to follow along and use. It also ensures they’re sewing in straight lines. If you want pattern-making tools, head on over to our page and shop our range of pattern making tools and supplies 

Sewing ideas for kids

There are various sewing ideas for kids. From socks to fun toys they can play with. You don’t ever need to run out of ideas for them again. Check out below our top 30 sewing projects for kids.

Easy sewing projects for kids

Here are 30 free sewing project ideas for kids:

  1. Tote bag
  2. Fabric bookmark
  3. Pandana
  4. Pouch
  5. Animal toy
  6. Toy sleeping bag
  7. Fabric crown
  8. Scrunchies
  9. Drawstring bag
  10. skirt
  11. Apron
  12. Softball
  13. Fabric flower
  14. Pillow
  15. Bowtie
  16. Fabric headband
  17. Scarf
  18. Snake
  19. Hair tie
  20. Pencil case
  21. Doll sleeping bag
  22. Glove toys
  23. Napkins
  24. DIY storage box
  25. Socks
  26. Superhero cape
  27. Headband 
  28. Wristband 
  29. Fabric pencil case
  30. Fabric belt

Sewing kits for kids


How do you make a kids sewing kit?

Making a kids sewing kit is extremely easy. It can be done in the following 12 steps:

  • Step 1: Choose a kit bag they like. Make sure it is small enough. 
  • Step 2: Make sure their kit bag is strong and durable but also has their favourite colours. 
  • Step 3: Select stitching tools like needles
  • Step 4: Select thread they like 
  • Step 5: Get kids cutting tools 
  • Step 6: Get some stationery like markers
  • Step 7: Select some practice and scrap fabric
  • Step 8: Add safety tools like thimbles 
  • Step 9: Add measuring tools like tape measures
  • Step 10: Show them how to use each tool in their kit
  • Step 11: Put it all in the bag
  • Step 12: Find a safe storage space for this kit

Sewing kits are very important. They should contain everything one needs to sew. They should also be easily portable. It’s essential to keep your kit small and effective. You’ll need a stitching tool, a cutting tool, thread, a marking tool, and a measuring tool to get you started. 

What should be in a beginner sewing kit?

Here is a list of what should be in a kids sewing kit:

  • Scissors 
  • Seam gauge
  • Small quick unpick
  • Blue fabric pen 
  • White tailors chalk
  • Butterfly tape measure
  • Fabric clips
  • Tester fabric
  • Point turner
  • open bodkin
  • magnetic seam guide
  • Needle threader
  • Pincushion
  • Pins
  • Needles 
  • Thread 
  • Thimble 
  • Needle holder 
  • Round pins 
  • Kitbag.

These are all items for beginner sewing. Start your child off with the 3 basics: needle, thread, and fabric. As they advance in their skills, come back to this list. Then add more of these beginner items to their kit. They will help your kid to sew neatly, beautifully, and safely.

Basic sewing kit for kids

Grab this Absolute Beginner Sewing Pack from Fabric8:

Get your kid started with this beginner sewing kit. It is entirely beginner-friendly and the best basic sewing kit you will find! It has all the tools they’ll need. These are the tools your young one will use when hand sewing or when using a sewing machine.

Grab this Absolute Beginner Sewing Pack from Fabric8

Children sewing supplies near me 

Children sewing and embroidery supplies South Africa.

Fabric8 is a creative supplies store. It resides locally, in South Africa. You can shop for over 3000 sewing tools, accessories, machines, and software and of course, shop kids sewing supplies

Fabric8 caters to children, beginner adults, and professionals. You can get supplies for sewing, embroidery, quilting, knitting, and crocheting. Or if you just enjoy standard crafting, then you should head over to Fabric8 too! Shop everything you need and more at  www.fabric8.co.za