blue background with a mother and daughter smiling while learning how to knit. The mother is holding a long piece of red knitted material.

Children’s knitting and crocheting

The world of knitting and crocheting is vast and beautiful. However, we tend to limit these special skills to adults and professionals only. 

Kids can be wonderful knitters and crocheters. All they need is the right tools and a guardian willing to teach them. 

If you want to learn how to teach your little ones how to embark on a knitting journey. Or if you want to have a tiny crocheting prodigy. Then keep reading. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about children’s knitting and crocheting:

Children’s knitting and crocheting guide

In this kiddies knitting and crocheting tutorial, we’ll be discussing the main FAQs regarding this topic. These include:

  • What is a good age to teach crochet and knitting?
  • How do you know if a child is ready to knit or crochet?
  • Is crocheting and knitting good for kids?
  • Are there benefits of crocheting and knitting for kids?
  • Is knitting and crocheting the same thing?
  • What is the difference between knitting and crocheting?
  • Is hand-knitting or crocheting easier?
  • Is it easier for kids to learn to knit or crochet?
  • Tips to teach a child to knit.
  • How to teach a child to crochet
  • How to encourage a child to continue knitting and crocheting
  • How do you French knit for kids?
  • Which supplies do children need for knitting, French knitting, and crochet? 

You no longer need to fret. Your child is in good hands now. Just sit back and learn how to embark your little ones on their crocheting and knitting journey below.

Table of Contents

What is a good age to teach children knitting and crocheting?

What is the best age to teach children knitting and crochet?

Children can learn how to crochet from age 4. Knitting is best taught from age 8. For young kiddies, we recommend finger crocheting and hand-knitting. 

Typically, this is the age when a kid starts learning the language you’ll teach them in. This is also the age a child starts learning colours, problem-solving, and working with their hands. 

Can 12-year-olds learn to crochet? 

Can 3-year-olds knit? 

There is no set age when a child is ready to learn knitting and crocheting. As the adult reading this, it’s up to you to determine when a child is truly ready to learn. Don’t fret, we’ll help you determine that. We have compiled a list below on how to determine if your child is ready to learn these skills.

a mother and child smiling and facing each other while knitting

How do you know if a child is ready to knit or crochet?

How to tell if a child is ready to learn crocheting and how to tell if a child is ready to learn knitting. 

Here are the top signs that a child is ready to learn knitting or crocheting:

  • They already understand the basics of the language you’ll be teaching them in.
  • They can read and communicate
  • They enjoy being creative. 
  • They like to play with drawings, crafts, or colouring pencils.
  • They understand their basic colours.
  • They have a basic understanding of safety. 
  • You sense they have developed a certain level of creativity.
  • They can hold light tools by themselves. 
  • They understand how to use their hands together. 
  • They’ve watched you do it a few times. 
  • They have hand-eye coordination

So you want to teach your kid these skills? That’s brilliant! If your child ticks at least a few of these boxes, that means they are ready. Now all you need is to learn how to do it and which tools your little one will need. Then you’ll be ready to turn them into talented artists!

Is crocheting and knitting good for kids?

Is crocheting good for kids? Is knitting good for kids?

Is it better to start with crochet or knitting?

Knitting and crocheting are absolutely good for kids. Whichever one you decide to teach your kid, both are helpful to children.  

From learning safety and responsibility to stimulating their creativity. Knitting and crocheting are fun activities that are also educational. You don’t have to limit these activities to adults only. 

The sooner a person learns how to do these activities, the more years of practice they get. And we all know how the saying goes- practice makes perfect! 

Are there benefits of crocheting and knitting for kids?

The benefits of teaching your child to crochet. What are the benefits of knitting for children?

young girl sitting on the floor learning how to knit, with a red and white box next to her

The 12 benefits of teaching  children to knitting and crocheting:

  1. Allow them to express creativity
  2. Motor skills
  3. Boost self-esteem 
  4. Teach instruction following 
  5. Improves their learning ability
  6. Maths Skills 
  7. Brain stimulation
  8. Reduce screen time
  9. Problem-solving skills
  10. Career Guidance
  11. Teaches discipline
  12. Opportunity to learn team-building =

1. Allow them to express creativity

An expression of creativity is one of the main benefits of these skills. Children need a safe space to express themselves. Knitting and crocheting allow this. This is why we need to provide our children the freedom to choose their projects, colours, stitching, and all the creative parts of the process. 

2. Motor skills

Knitting and crocheting help to develop children’s motor skills. It lets children work on their hand-and-eye coordination. It teaches children how to estimate and guess. 

3. Boost self-esteem 

Trusting a child is a great help with their development. When you allow your kid to knit and crochet, you’re boosting their self-esteem. Being in charge of projects can help them a lot. Praising them for their work also allows their self-confidence to rise. 

4. Teach instruction following 

Knitting and crocheting teach your kid to follow instructions. Even if you have to repeat an instruction a few times. Your child will eventually learn. This will improve their ability to follow the steps given to them.

5. Improves their learning ability

Following the above point, knitting and crocheting thus improve children’s learning abilities. Practising a skill at home will teach them how to learn better at school. Because learning is constant. The process of learning is the same regardless of the subject at hand.

6. Maths Skills 

A lot of math goes into knitting and crocheting. Counting the number of loops. Estimating the stitches. Calculating the yarn and wool usage. Guessing the hole sizes. So much of the process is up to mathematical estimates. 

7. Brain stimulation

Is crocheting good for your brain? 

Crocheting and knitting are good for your brain. With maths, discipline, problem-solving, and motor skills being developed. Your child will be left with consistent brain stimulation. This is so important for their growth and development.

8. Reduce screen time

Being in a tech-savvy society, it’s easy to leave our kids in front of the TV for hours. To keep our children entertained, we hand them our phones or tablets. 

 This can be very detrimental to their cognitive development, social interactions, and eyesight over time. Knitting and crocheting help reduce screen time. Now your kid has a fun activity to participate in during the day. 

9. Problem-solving skills

If your child makes a mistake when knitting or crocheting, they need to make a decision. They need to figure out a way to solve the problem at hand. This ability will be very beneficial to them as adults.

10. Career guidance

Knitting and crocheting can lead your child in a career direction. Oftentimes the skills we practice as kids become our lifelong dreams. The hobbies our parents motivate us to turn into the things we are best at as adults. 

 This skill can help pique your child’s interest in the textile industry. Or in the craft and decorating industry.

11. Teaches discipline

Your kid will learn how to be disciplined when knitting and crocheting. They will learn to continue with a task. To see their projects through to the very end. They will learn how to be persistent and disciplined once a goal is set in mind.

12. Opportunity to learn team-building

There are multiple knitting and crocheting classes for kids. Even groups filled with parents and other newbie knitters and crocheters. Sometimes this can lead to an opportunity of making new friends. For your child to learn how to work with others too. 

Is hand knitting or crocheting easier?

Which is easier crochet or knit?

Often, crocheting is described as easier than knitting. This is because knitting uses two hands whereas crocheting only uses one dominant hand. Knitting requires two needles whereas crocheting requires one hook only.

Another reason why crocheting is easier than knitting is that it is easier to fix the mistakes made while crocheting. With knitting, your wool can easily slip. 

Nonetheless, both crafts are very fun and create beautiful projects. Whichever one you choose is up to your liking. 

a wooden box filled with pink wool, cream wool and blue wool with knitting needles knitting

Is it easier for kids to learn to knit or crochet?

Is it easier to teach a child to knit or crochet?

For young kids below the age of 9, crocheting might be easier to learn. This is because they require less hand-to-eye coordination. They don’t need to differentiate too much between right and left. Their hand strength also does not need to be too strong for basic crocheting.

To make it even less difficult, start with finger crocheting. When your kid becomes more advanced, then they can move over to using hooks and fancier tools. 

How to teach a child to knit or crochet

So now that you’ve decided which you’ll be teaching your kid first- knitting or crocheting. It’s time to learn how to teach them the right way. Here are our main tips and tricks for teaching children either knitting or crocheting:

Tips to teach a child to knit

How do you teach a child to knit? Steps to teaching a child to knit.

How do I teach my 6-year-old to knit? Can you teach a 4-year-old to knit?

Here are 14 steps to teach a child to knit:a mother teaching her daughter how to knit with a basket full of wool next to them

  1. Consider their basics
  2. Find out their learning style
  3. Pique their interest
  4. Ask yourself “why?”
  5. Know your yarn 
  6. Pick the needles
  7. Let them in on the decision-making
  8. Finger knitting
  9. Picking the project
  10. Give them a knitting space
  11. You should learn too
  12. Guide them 
  13. Step in every now and then 
  14. Allow them to fail 

Step 1: Consider their basics

What age is your child? Are they old enough (about 8 years and up) to use these tools? Are they interested in crafts? Before teaching a child a skill, you should first ask if the skill will suit them. Or else it’ll be like training a fish to walk- impossible!

Step 2: Find out their learning style

Just like you, your 5-year-old has preferences. Learning styles make up a big part of any person’s life. Figure out if your child learns better with one-on-one sessions. Or if they’d prefer a knitting class filled with other kids. 

Step 3: Pique their interest 

Do not make knitting sound like a must. Let them gradually show interest. Show them knitted projects. Take them to knitting shops. Let them read knitting books. 

Step 4: Ask yourself “why?”

Why do you want your child to learn how to knit? Is it because you want to project your childhood dream onto them? Or is it because you want them to experience the multiple benefits of knitting? If you know your reason, they will understand the importance too.

Step 5: Know your wool

There are various types of yarn and wool. For tiny beginners, single yarns are best. 

Step 6: Pick the needles

What size knitting needles are best for beginners? 

Don’t let them start on thick circular needles. Keep it simple. Straight, thin, and small are what they need to get started. Bamboo needles or plastic needles are also good for beginners. 

Step 7: Let them in on the decision-making

Now that you know the above-mentioned requirements for yarn and needles. Let them pick it out themselves. Show them various single yarns and let them pick their favourite colours. They will be more excited to learn knowing you allowed them to make decisions. 

Step 8: Finger knitting 

How do you finger knit easily?

Consider finger knitting. It allows them to use their tiny fingers instead of big complicated needles. Then when they master that, they can move over to knitting tools.

Step 9: Picking the project

The best project for a kid to start with is a small square. Once they’ve mastered it, they can move over to a scarf.  After practice, then you can let them pick from over 30 creative knitting projects for kids. 

Step 10: Give them a knitting space

Designate a space in your house just for knitting. Add beautiful storage supplies, knitting tools, and decorations. Make it personal for them. Let your child know that they have the freedom to use this space. 

Step 11: You should learn too

If you’re on this blog today because you’re a pro knitter and you want the same for your kids- then great. However, if you are clueless about knitting, this step is for you. 

It is helpful for you to learn the basics of knitting too. This will make it easier to help your kid practice consistently. 

Step 12: Guide them 

Guide them by showing them how to do it. Do not be afraid to be hands-on when teaching them. 

Step 13: Step in now and then 

Remember that your little one is a newbie. It’s okay to hold the yarn for them when they struggle. Or to adjust the needles when they don’t hold them correctly. Step in when they need help.

Step 14: Allow them to fail 

You know how we let our kids ride a bike, allow them to fall, dust them off, and encourage them to keep going? The same applies to knitting. Allow your children the freedom of trial and error.

How to teach a child to crochet

How do I teach my toddler to crochet? Steps to teaching a child to crochet.

15 ways to teach children to crochet:a crocheted white rabbit and a crocheted blue elephant with a blurred out background

  1. Talk to them about it
  2. Allow them to express interest
  3. Show them the benefits of crocheting 
  4. Let them pick out their supplies
  5. Finger crocheting
  6. Crochet chain
  7. Let them choose their project
  8. Allow them their freedom
  9. Storage and organisation
  10. Create a beautiful workspace
  11. Use easy phrasing 
  12. Give admiration
  13. Help where you can 
  14. Join them

These are our main 15 tips. Let’s now dive in on how to carry out these tips:

1. Talk to them about it

The best way to teach a child anything is to first talk them through it. Tell them what crocheting is. Why should they do it? How they should do it. Talk before anything. 

2. Allow them to express interest

Do not make crocheting a must. Give them a chance to show an interest first. Make it fun and exciting for them.

3. Show them the benefits of crocheting 

Get them interested in the benefits of crocheting. Above we’ve mentioned multiple benefits. Read those benefits to them. 

4. Let them pick out their supplies

The best way to get your child interested is to get them involved. Show them our site and all the options. Then give them a chance to select their tools in their favourite colours. This will allow them to be more excited to get started. 

5. Finger crocheting

Finger crocheting is the easiest way to start. It is advisable to use finger crocheting for younger children. Then later they can upgrade to crocheting with sharp hooks. Start with the slip knot.

6. Crochet chain

The best way to let your child learn is to show them how to make a chain with their fingers. Let them practice this chain over and over until your house is filled with little chains!

7. Let them choose their project

Let’s face it, little ones are difficult to convince. They need to feel like they have some sort of say in the matter. This is why it is a great tip to let them choose their products. Show them that there are over 400 various kid-friendly projects to pick from

8. Allow them their freedom

Don’t be a helicopter parent when teaching them how to crochet. In other words, learn how to sit back. Let them make mistakes. Let them explore. This will only make it more fun for them to learn.

9. Storage and Organisation

Teach them the importance of organisation solutions from the get-go. Do not let them learn the bad habit (which most of us currently have) of leaving our workspaces a mess. Show them how to organise their yarn. Remind them to place their hooks back in their storage box. Teach them good ‘crocheting hygiene.’ 

10. Create a beautiful workspace

Following the above point, make their workspace beautiful. Make sure they have a designated spot where they can always go to crochet freely. Let them help decorate it. Even if it’s one chair in a small corner, make it personal for them.

11. Use easy phrasing 

If you’re a pro crocheter, remember your kid isn’t. Nothing will discourage them more than being taught phrases they don’t understand.

12. Give admiration

A good word goes a long way. Even if what they created wasn’t perfect, give them admiration. 

13. Help where you can 

Always remember that they are just tiny seamstresses and seamsters. They don’t know everything – regardless of how simple it may seem to you. Remember to remain gentle. And let them know that it’s okay to let you help them now and then.

14. Join them

Finally, don’t turn this into parenting. Crocheting should be a bonding experience. So much so that you can actually create projects with them. Join them. Let the entire family do it together for fun!

How to encourage a child to continue knitting and crocheting

Here are 8 ways to encourage a child to continue knitting and crocheting:

hands knitting with knitting needles and red wool while at a work station

  • Praise them for small milestones 
  • Have a designated time in the week for crafts 
  • Let them knit and crochet with other kids 
  • Improve their workspace 
  • Get them new tools and supplies often 
  • Complete their project with them
  • Remain their teacher
  • Reward their consistency 
  • Motivate them to dream bigger
  • Get them excited to start a new project
  • Encourage theme

Starting your kid off is easy. Staying consistent can be tricky. It is not impossible though. With continuous encouragement, a beautiful workspace, and fun projects, your kid will love knitting and crocheting just as much as we do!


How do you French knit for kids? 

How do you start French knitting for beginners?

Have you ever heard of French knitting? It is a knitting hack if you ask me! You use a spool. This spool has nails surrounding the rim. It helps you hook and create stitches. 

Do you want to learn how to French knit? Here is a detailed tutorial on how to do French knitting

What is French knitting used for? 

French knitting is an alternative to needle knitting. You’ll use a French knitter. It is done by wrapping yarn around the pegs of the French knitter. Then you’ll lift it over and form a stitch. As simple as that!

Which supplies do you need for children’s knitting and crocheting? 

There are various tools and materials for beginner knitting and crocheting. However, the main tools children need for knitting are needles, wool, and patterns. The main tools children need for crocheting are a hook, yarn, and patterns.

Tools for knitting and crocheting: Children’s knitting and crocheting supplies.

What supplies are needed for knitting and crocheting?

Top essentials needed for children’s knitting and crochet:a pink table with buttons, thread, wool, knitting needles, pins and felt

  • Knitting patterns for children 
  • Kids knitting needles
  • Kids crochet hooks
  • Wool
  • Yarn
  • Kids scissors
  • Kids crochet kits
  • Kids knitting kits
  • Kids knitting guide
  • Kids crochet guide

These are the main materials and tools to get any kid started. Later, when they improve, you can increase their tools and equipment. 

For now, have a look at our detailed guide on each tool and where to purchase them. Get your little ones started with the below knitting and crocheting essentials: 

Free knitting patterns for children 

Free patterns

 At Fabric8, we have many free patterns. Some are more challenging for adults. Some are as easy as making a sock. 

You and your kiddies can scroll through our various free patterns. They’re all provided by our in-house expert with 30+ years of experience. 

Our patterns are ideal for kids and beginners because they come with detailed instructions, dimensions, steps, and free follow-along tutorial videos. 

Check out our free patterns for all ages

Kids knitting needles 

What size needles for kids? 

Fabric8 sells a wide variety of kids’ knitting needles. We recommend children start with plastic needles. These needles should be thin and easy to hold. Lightweight knitting needles are ideal for their tiny hands. 

Kids Plastic Knitting Needles

The best needle size for newbie kiddies is between 3.25 mm to 5.50 mm. 

Do not go too long. 

18cm to 20cm is just right for them.

Kids crochet hooks

Which crochet hook is best for beginners?

Kids Plastic Knitting Pony Crochet Hook Color Plastic 4mm

We recommend kiddies and beginners use plastic or bamboo hooks for starters.

Keep hook thickness between 4mm and 5mm.

There are also various colours available on also gives your child some colour to look forward to.


What wool is best for beginners?

Kids should be allowed to pick their favourite colour wool. It’s also a good idea to let them have a wide variety of colours at home. This will make them more excited to try out different projects. Stick to single-stranded thin wool for your little ones. Cotton material is also ideal.

Cotton Mix 100g 

Cotton wool is ideal for kids.

You also want to make sure you aren’t introducing them to long and thick bundles.

So the best way is to cut it into just the right size for the task at hand.

The thin yarn is also ideal if they’re just getting started.

It’s advisable to refrain from polyester wool until they are more skilled.

Kids scissors

Kids craft scissors

Kids Craft Scissors Random Color

Your children will need craft scissors.

Our scissors are perfect for their tiny fingers.

They are small and safer to use.

The best part is you can pick any colour and animation they’d love.

A collection of craft scissors is ideal for all artists-even little ones!

Kids crochet kits 

Crochet kits

Kids Crochet Starter Kit

This perfect kids’ crochet started kit includes:

  • 2 Pony crochet hooks
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Wool samples
  • 2 Wool needles
  • 3 Pegs
  • Small notebook 
  • Kitbag

We have the cutest crochet starter kit for your kiddies!

You don’t need to stress about hand-picking all the essentials yourself. We have you covered.

With all the supplies selected by our expert seamstress, your child will have everything they need to get going with crocheting. 

French knitting kits for kids

French knitting kits

French Knitting/Tolletjie Brei Kit

Everything you’ll need for french knitting:

  • French knitter (tolletjie brei)
  • Colourful kids scissors
  • Stuffing (knitting) tool
  • Small round tape measure
  • Wool samples
  • Kitbag.

This kit is French knitting made easy.

Everything you need to French knit is in this bag.

Once you have this kit, you can start your journey.


French knitting kits for kids

French knitting kits

Kids Knitting Starter Kit

 This kit includes:

  • One pair of kids’ knitting needles
  • Green jersey needles holder
  • Wool samples
  • Tape measure
  • Scissors
  • 2 Wool needles
  • Stitch marker
  • 3 Pegs
  • Small notebook 
  • Kitbag

Get your kid started on their knitting journey with this kit.

It includes everything they need in one cute kit bag.

No need to look around for all the essentials – we have you covered.

Kids knitting guide

How to knit for kids

Learn to Knit Book

This book is one of the best helpers for newbie knitters.

If you’re teaching a child below the age of 10, this is a good book to work through with them.

The book is filled with step-by-step instructions to make it very clear – with pictures!

The bonus? You can learn too while teaching them! 

Using this guide, kids are able to learn at their own pace.


Kids crochet guide

How do you crochet easily for kids? How do you do crochet step by step?

Learn to Crochet Book

If you want to learn how to crochet step by step, then this book is a must-have.

It is crocheting made easy for kids!

All you need to do is sit down with your little one and help them read through all the instructions.

There are beautiful, colourful illustrations that make the processes easier. 

Your kid, 10 years old (and older) will benefit greatly from this book.

They can spend their free time reading through it. Or they can take their hook, and wool, and follow along with the instructions.

Crochet kits online. Knitting kits online. French knitting kits online.  

You can shop a wide variety of kits online at We have everything your kid needs. From hooks to kid-friendly scissors. Shop our Fabric8 kid’s range.

With our online store, you can also skip the queues. With one click of a button, you can view over 1500 sewing equipment and supplies. For you and your kids.